Wildcats join and explore clubs at West Ranch’s Club Rush event


Alice Xie and David Lee

   On Wednesday, Sept. 21, Wildcats were given the opportunity during brunch to peruse, and potentially sign up for, more than sixty West Ranch clubs. Clubs were featured at tables set up around upper campus, and club officers were given free range in decorating their booths.

   In preparation for Club Rush, students created flyers, trifolds and various handouts such as candy, stickers and small trinkets. Not only do clubs have to plan out visuals, but they also have to consider the best practices for encouraging students to sign up.

   Kishneet Kaur, president and founder of the World Wildlife Fund club at West Ranch, explained that “managing Club Rush is not easy work. It is a time consuming process in which you have to find the best ways to allure people to your club as well as inform them about what the club is.”

   As students browsed the aisles of tables, they signed up for clubs that interested them and discussed club information with officers and members manning the displays. With over sixty clubs at West Ranch this year — some newly established, some older and widely recognized — students have the ability to express their passions through a variety of clubs on campus.

   West Ranch junior and Club Rush attendee Avery Neri explained that “with all the tables out there and all the fun displays, it’s easy to find clubs that you and your friends want to join and that align with your interests.”

   For members of the student body, Club Rush offered the perfect opportunity to increase their engagement in school and community activities. For clubs and organizations, Club Rush is a sure way to gain new club members and boost attendance in club activities. 

   “Club Rush helped boost attendance for the World Wildlife Fund by giving us more exposure and the ability to advertise for our club. As a new club on campus, it is difficult to get the word out about our club and find dedicated students to join; Club Rush gave us the opportunity to speak to those with a common interest in WWF,” Kaur expressed.

   While Wildcats of all graduating years attended Club Rush, freshmen had their first glimpse at the student life at West Ranch. Freshman Aryaman Deshandiuh explained, “Since I’m a freshman, I think Club Rush is pretty cool. It’s a way for teens to get into a West Ranch club: everything’s new.”

   Overall, this year’s Club Rush proved to be a success. Students were given the chance to connect with and advertise for clubs, which ranged from academic teams to artistic clubs. As Neri said, “There’s so many clubs on campus but it’s hard to know all the clubs that are out there. Club Rush allows you to see all these fun clubs you wouldn’t know about otherwise.”

   With the school year and club season officially kicked off, Cats, make sure to enjoy the many club opportunities at West Ranch!