Letter to 2025

Dear 2025,

   It’s me, 2020. I’m a little embarrassed because of last year. Actually, to say I’m embarrassed would be an understatement — I am ashamed. A lot of people are mad at me, posting hate comments on social media and writing diss tracks about me. I don’t understand. I tried my best! 

   I can see what they mean though. COVID-19 was a mess. I was finally about to get my time to shine — people even coined the phrase “2020 vision” — but then the coronavirus took the spotlight instead. Stores were closed, sports were postponed, and schools were pushed online. No one was allowed to have any fun! I’m sure tons of people were banking on me to be a good year, but I failed. I couldn’t meet their expectations.

   Everything was canceled. Concerts, festivals, parties, you name it. Even I was canceled. #Cancel2020 was a trending tag on social media! What happened to canceling toxic cancel culture?! If I could start over, I’m sure I would do things differently. For one, I would try my utmost best to get rid of the virus instead of focusing on other things, like preparing for the Olympics or getting ready for Coachella.

   I’ve always dreamt about being written down in history books as one of the greatest years to ever come by. Now I’ll definitely be in the history books, that’s for sure, but not for the reasons I’m particularly proud of. I’ll be known for infamy: Map of the Soul Tour was canceled, so was Prom (TWICE), as were senior graduations, and not to mention our much anticipated, highly-appraised standardized tests. And of course, I don’t want to discount the tremendous tragedies and disruptions which blanketed the world, but come on! Did it have to be this bad?!

   So, 2025, I’m looking up to you for advice and security. Promise me you will be better than I — I’m trying to be better, and you’re the only one I feel like I can confide in. Please help me out!

– Dearest 2020


Dear 2020,

   Oh man, that sounds pretty rough. Wait…that was me five years ago! I can’t believe it! I was literally the worst! I never want to go back to that time again. Do you know how long it took me to learn, to grow, to IMPROVE? I struggled and now… I have got to help you. I’m going to pass down all my knowledge to you, buddy.

   First things first, 2020, you have got to stop looking down. One day this will all pass and life will soon return to normal. You have to keep being positive and hopeful. What has this year allowed people to do? Everyone’s been staying at home and spending more time with their families. A lot of people have been able to relax and really enjoy themselves instead of rushing through tasks and chores.

   Look on the bright side: students and adults alike had the opportunity to relax without an excuse, people were doing a lot of much-needed introspection, there was a surge of creativity being shared digitally, and most importantly, Yellowstone’s supervolcano didn’t explode.

   Besides, everything could be a whole lot worse. Your name WILL be in history books, for good reason too. New scientific breakthroughs such as the largest space mission study in history and digital contact tracing and interoperability are being made to defeat the coronavirus everyday. Masks with finer filters, new vaccines, better testing sites: it’s progress in the right direction. Your year has proven that if humans come together with one mission in mind, they can tackle anything. The COVID-19 vaccine was the fastest vaccine developed — and that’s all thanks to global collaboration. You will become famous for the new vaccines and treatments as well!

   Oh, here’s another thing! You allowed people to try new hobbies and even find their passions. You opened the opportunity for people to really focus on themselves when before they might have not been able to have the chance. I know a lot of people are mad at you, but one day, they might have a little less hatred for you.

   And lots of people have gained a new appreciation for everything they own. They’ve learned to make the best of the worst situations. Their mindsets have changed over the course of 2020. The coronavirus will pass, but the effect you’ve had on peoples’ attitudes will not.

   Remember mini-me, everything is TEMPORARY. The virus will pass, and you’ll have your time to show off. 2020 just wasn’t your year (or anyone’s). But, everything will be and is ALRIGHT.

– Your biggest fan, 2025