West Ranch Television (WRTV) provides students with hands-on experience working in the film and broadcasting industry. It has become a staple of each school day for student viewers as WRTV students broadcast weather reports, upcoming school events, trending topics in pop culture, and amusing sketches.
Recently, the broadcasting channel experienced a significant shift for the 2023-2024 school year as their former advisor, Mrs. Overdevest, departed from the WRTV program for a new opportunity at College of the Canyons. Mr. Lindgreen, head baseball coach and former English teacher at West Ranch High School, stepped up and took the broadcasting program under his wing.
Samantha Krantz, a junior in her second year in WRTV, explained the changes she has noticed in the program: “I think this year it’s a little more independent. It was already pretty much a student-run organization, but I think because there was a new teacher, it was a little more of leaning on each other, and I think we’re also teaching him the rules. There’s also more freedom to try new things. We’re including different kinds of people now, bringing more groups on campus, and trying different kinds of segments.”
Even with alterations in work style, Mr. Lindgreen and his students have harnessed their talents and previous experience to make the broadcasts run smoothly. Their collaboration emphasizes the grit and resilience those in the program have as they improve through each other’s criticisms. Krantz noted, “Everyone’s being adaptive in changing, [and Mr. Lindgreen] is too. Everyone is open to feedback and no one is taking anything personally.”
Mr. Lindgreen has had some prior experience with the film and video production industry, which has helped him prepare for his position as the WRTV advisor. “I worked on TV news for a few years when I was finishing up college bolting sports. I was able to work on some post-production, sports-related companies, publishing [and] video packaging, then did a little bit of work covering light events,” Mr. Lindgreen explained.
In addition to having experience in the production field, Mr. Lindgreen’s previous roles as a baseball coach and English teacher have assisted him with time management and building connections with his students.
Mr. Lindgreen has observed the diligent work ethic displayed by his students and pointed out the various ways in which they are going above and beyond to produce quality segments for West Ranch students. “The students have been great because everyone’s been very motivated and interested in the work that they want to be able to do, which has nothing to do with my involvement,” Mr. Lingreen stated, “They just intrinsically are very motivated to do a good job and it’s been very, very refreshing.”
Lauren Lamb, a sophomore in her first year at WRTV, mentioned why she and her peers enjoy being part of the broadcasting program: “Being behind the scenes and seeing and participating in everything being put into making the daily shows are a lot of fun.”
Cats, make sure to support the students of West Ranch Television.